Oct 27, after laundry done but before breakfast
The hairs on the back of my neck are still raised as I type this in the secrecy of my adobe lair. My morning sweeping ritual is a total bust, for there is not a single broom to be found. Like toilet paper, shower heads and wheelbarrows, brooms are on of the growing list of items that disappear into the foggy air. I have a growing list of questions for Scully:- If the aliens are very very tall, why are so many doorways under 6 feet?
- Why are the shower-heads removed every time after I put them on?
- Why is Krishna always depicted in blue? (see Avatar)
- Are witches in cohorts with the aliens or has Hogsworth opened a Peruvian academy? (hint: missing brooms)
- Why is there a steady stream of buses and trucks 24/7 on the above highway (hint: watch the last few scenes of the first (1950s) Invasion of the Body Snatchers movie)
- What is really behind the locked door on Truly #54?
- Why do all the dogs here look like they have been genetically experimented on?
- Why is serving one large hard cookie considered “dinner”?
- Why is there only one verse in that “Hare Krishna” tune?
- Why do only the volunteers get sick (at a fairly high rate)? Is it that experimental what-the-heck-is-this hot beverage that they innocently serve us every night?
- How do all the moto-taxi and colectivo taxi drivers know exactly where the volunteers want to go without us telling them?
- Why are there no post offices in Peru? (assumption: all aliens are telepathic and don't need primitive forms of communication).
On post offices – when I first went to Pasamayo, a town with five stores (one furniture, one baby clothing, the rest like miniatures 7-11s), I could see why there was no post office. But when I went to the next big town of Chancay (pronounced Shang-Hai by Spanglishers), a town with a port, a couple of refineries, and many many pharmacies, I asked for directions to the post office, and, after getting a few “I dunno's”, I finally got the real answer – there are no post offices in Chancay. There are no mail boxes. There are no stamps. I had a time-sensitive document (i.e. California speeding ticket to pay) to send, and was getting desperate – perhaps Lima (8 bazillion and counting) might have a PO? Two visiting girls from Lima – who work in an office there – perhaps they could stamp and mail my letter? “We don't know of any post offices in Lima, but we will try for you”, they reply. Gazooks!!!! That night I kneel down and pray for Krishna to manifest a Lima PO – a completely selfish act that will probably send me to a Hindu Hell.
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